Pyar Pyar Pyar Pyar Lyrics

Writer :

Singer :

Pyar pyar pyar pyar
Pyar pyar pyar pyar
Ek rut ek mausam hai pyar
Ek dost ek hamdam hai pyar
Kabhi ghar aaya mehman hai pyar
Ek hi khidki ka aasman
Pyar pyar pyar pyar
Pyar pyar pyar pyar

Pyar pyar pyar pyar
Pyar pyar pyar pyar
Tan ki chahat ka singar hai pyar
Are mann ki fursat ka itwar hai pyar

Pyar pyar pyar pyar
Pyar pyar pyar pyar
Aaine par jo bindiya hai pyar
Do paher ki wo nindiya hai pyar
Aadhi raato ki kofi hai pyar
Ek chay aadhi aadhi hai pyar
Pyar pyar pyar pyar
Pyar pyar pyar pyar.

Music Director Wise   Film Wise

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