Hume Kya Garaz Log Kya Mante Hai Lyrics

Writer :

Singer :

Hame kya garaj log kya mante hai
Hasino ko hum to khuda mante hai
Hasino ko hum to khuda mante hai
Hame kya garaj log kya mante hai
Hasino ko hum to khuda mante hai
Hasino ko hum to khuda mante hai

Hasino ko hajrat khuda mante hai
Mohabbat ko fir aap kya mante hai
Mohabbat ko fir aap kya mante hai

Na khusbu alag hai na phulo ke pyale
Na khusbu alag hai na phulo ke pyale
Tumhi ho mohabbat tumhi husan wale
Ye sach hai to fir kyu
Ye sach hai to fir kyu bura mante hai
Hasino ko hum to khuda mante hai
Hasino ko hajrat khuda mante hai
Mohabbat ko fir aap kya mante hai

Kaha se ye sab sun ke aate hai kibla
Kaha se ye sab sun ke aate hai kibla
Ye par ki bate udate hai kibla
Jo sab husan ki hi
Jo sab husan ki hi ada mante hai
Mohabbat ko aap fir kya mante hai
Hame kya garaj log kya mante hai
Hasino ko hum to khuda mante hai
Hasino ko hum to khuda mante hai.

Music Director Wise   Film Wise

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