Kadam Kadam Lyrics

Writer :

Singer :

(Kadam kadam badhaye jaa, khushee ke git gaye jaa
Yeh jindagee hain kaum kee, too kaum pe lutaye jaa) - (2)

(Too sher hind aage badh, bandhe se phir bhee too naa darr
Udake dushmano kaa sir, jo de watan badhaye jaa) - (2)
Kadam kadam badhaye jaa, khushee ke git gaye jaa
Yeh jindagee hain kaum kee, too kaum pe lutaye jaa

(Chalo dillee pukartee hame disha sambhalee
Lakh yeh bighadke lehraye jaa, lehraye jaa) - (2)
(Kadam kadam badhaye jaa, khushee ke git gaye jaa
Yeh jindagee hain kaum kee, too kaum pe lutaye jaa) - (2)

Music Director Wise   Film Wise

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