Dil to hai Fukra Lyrics

Writer :

Singer :

Hum bhi naachenge tashan mein
Dil bhi nachega
Aaj saari raat music loud bajega

Kaun maai da laal yahaan pe
Saanu rokega
Apna jeene ka tareeqa duniya se wakhra
Dil toh hai fukra
Style hai wakhra
Dil toh hai fukraa
Style hai wakhra
Dil toh hai fukra aa
Style hai wakhra

Naino di yaar disc me ishq chalega
Chha rahi hai high energy, floor hillega (x2)

Holi holi dil da meter josh pakdega
Daaru mein hum mix karenge saariyan fiqraan
Dil toh hai fukra aa
Style hai wakhra
Dil toh hai fukra aa
Style hai wakhra
Dil toh hai fukra aa
Style hai wakhra

Music Director Wise   Film Wise

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