Ai Khuda Lyrics

Writer :

Singer :

Ai khuda, ai khuda jisane kee justju
Mil gaya usako too, sabaka too rehnuman
Ai khuda, ai khuda jisane kee justju
Mil gaya usako too, sabaka too rehnuman
Ai khuda, ai khuda

Yeh jamin yeh phalak inase aage talak
Jitanee duneeya hai, sab me teree jhalak
Yeh jamin yeh phalak inase aage talak
Jitanee duneeya hai, sab me teree jhalak
Ai khuda, ai khuda jisane kee justju
Mil gaya usako too, sabaka too rehnuman
Ai khuda, ai khuda jisane kee justju
Mil gaya usako too, sabaka too rehnuman
Ai khuda

Har sitare me, aabad hai ek chah
Chand suraj teree roshanee ke nishan
Har sitare me, aabad hai ek chah
Chand suraj teree roshanee ke nishan
Ai khuda, ai khuda jisane kee justju
Mil gaya usako too, sabaka too rehnuman
Ai khuda, ai khuda, ai khuda, ai khuda.

Music Director Wise   Film Wise

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