Apni Apni Biwi Pe Lyrics

Writer :

Singer :

Apani-apani bivi pe sab ko ghurur hai
Apani-apani bivi pe sab ko ghurur hai
Jaisi bhi hai bivi, shohar ke liye hur hai
Apani-apani bivi pe sab ko ghurur hai

Kaali jisaki bivi, vo logo se yeh bole
Kaali jisaki bivi, vo logo se yeh bole
Aji, logo se yeh bole
Haan, logo se yeh bole
Lailaa bhi thi kaali, yeh kissaa mashahur hai
Lailaa bhi thi kaali, yeh kissaa mashahur hai
Apani-apani bivi pe sab ko ghurur hai

Moti jisaki bivi, vo logo se yeh bole
Moti jisaki bivi, vo logo se yeh bole
Aji, logo se yeh bole
Haan, logo se yeh bole
Khaate pite ghar ki, hai ranj-o-gham se door hai
Khaate pite ghar ki, hai ranj-o-gham se door hai
Apani-apani bivi pe sab ko ghurur hai

Thingani jisaki bivi, vo logo se yeh bole
Thingani jisaki bivi, vo logo se yeh bole
Aji, logo se yeh bole
Haan, logo se yeh bole
Unche ghar se aai, hai chhota kad zurur hai
Unche ghar se aai, hai chhota kad zurur hai
Apani-apani bivi pe sab ko ghurur hai

Music Director Wise   Film Wise

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