Are You Falling In Love Lyrics

Writer :

Singer :

Are you falling in love
Just bieang it come
Befour your seek and all we iss

Are you falling in love
Just bieang it come
Befour your seek and all we iss
Socha ke lena socha ke dena
Socha ke lena socha ke dena
Pyaar ki wishky hain
Mamala rishky hain
Socha ke lena socha ke dena
Pyaar ki wishky hain
Mamala rishky hain
Are you falling in love
Just bieang it come
Befour your seek and all we iss
Are you falling in love
Just bieang it come
Befour your seek and all we iss

Jaane koi ye raaz nahi jaane
Dil ki nazar mein pehchane
Ho jaane koi ye raaz nahi jaane
Dil ki nazar mein pehchane
Kiski chahat bhi daga hain
Ye yahan kisko patta hain
Pyaar ki wishky hain
Mamala rishky hain
Are you falling in love
Just bieang it come
Befour your seek and all we iss

Har kadam sambhal ke hi rakh na
Zaayeka ye jab chakhana
Har kadam sambhal ke hi rakh na
Zaayeka ye jab chakhana
Hosh mein bhi bekhudi hain
Kyaa ajab si mehkashi hain
Pyaar ki wishky hain
Mamala rishky hain
Socha ke lena socha ke dena
Socha ke lena socha ke dena
Pyaar badi misty hain
Mamala rishky hain
Are you falling in love
Just bieang it come
Befour your seek and all we iss

Are you falling in love
Just bieang it come
Befour your seek and all we iss.

Music Director Wise   Film Wise

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