Tu Bhi Hasi Hai Lyrics

Writer :

Singer :

Dono ke husn me koi kami nahi
Dono ke husn me koi kami nahi
Tu bhi hansi hai aur
Teri tasvir bhi hansi
Dono ke husn me koi kami nahi
Dono ke husn me koi kami nahi
Tu bhi hansi hai aur
Teri tasvir bhi hansi
Dono ke husn me koi kami nahi

O husn teri ada bhi hai andaz bhi sanam
Tasvir teri tujh se bhala hogi kaise kam
Khud dekh le agar tujhe mera nahi yaki
Dono ke husn me koi kami nahi
Dono ke husn me koi kami nahi

Heran hu tujhe aur teri tasvir dekhkar
Heran hu tujhe aur teri tasvir dekhkar
Khush hu mai apne khawabo ki tabir dekhkar
Baho me meri aa gaye ye aasma zami
Dono ke husn me koi kami nahi
Dono ke husn me koi kami nahi
Tu bhi hansi hai aur
Teri tasvir bhi hansi
Dono ke husn me koi kami nahi
Dono ke husn me koi kami nahi.

Music Director Wise   Film Wise

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