Yeh Dil Aashiqana (Title) Lyrics

Writer :

Singer :

Yeh dil aashiqana yeh dil aashiqana
Yeh dil aashiqana yeh dil aashiqana
Yeh dil
Yeh dil aashiqana yeh dil aashiqana
Yeh dil aashiqana yeh dil
Yeh dil aashiqana yeh dil aashiqana
Yeh dil aashiqana yeh dil aashiqana
Yeh dil dil dil
Oh no yeh dil yeh dil

What is a dil
Dil dil dil ya
Dil is a heart and heart is a dil
And dil is in love and love yaani aashiq
Dil aashiqana aashiqana dil
Yeh dil yeh dil
Dil dil dil dil

Yeh dil aashiqana yeh dil aashiqana
Yeh dil aashiqana yeh dil aashiqana
Yeh dil dil dil dil
Yeh dil aashiqana yeh dil aashiqana
Yeh dil aashiqana yeh dil aashiqana
Yeh dil dil dil dil.

Music Director Wise   Film Wise

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