Tu Bin Bataaye Lyrics

Writer :

Singer :

Tu Bin Bataye Mujhe Le Chal KaheenJahan Tu Muskuraye Meri Manzil Wahin
Tu Bin Bataye Mujhe Le Chal Kaheen
Jahan Tu Muskuraye Meri Manzil Wahin

Meethi Lagi, Chakh Ke Dekhi Abhi
Mishri Ki Dali, Zindagi Ho Chali
Jahan Hain Teri Baahein Mera Sahil Wahin
Tu Bin Bataye Mujhe Le Chal Kaheen
Jahan Tu Muskuraye Meri Manzil Wahin

Mann Ki Gali Tu Phuharoon Si Aa
Bheeg Jaye Mere Khwabon Ka Kafila
Jise Tu Gungunaye Meri Dhun Hai Wahin
Tu Bin

Music Director Wise   Film Wise

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