Anbu Nadamadum Lyrics

Writer :

Singer :

anbu nadamAdum kalai koodamae
Asai mazhai mEgamae
kaNNil viLaiyAdum ezhil vaNNamae
kanni thamizh manRamae


mAdhavi kodi poovin idhazhOramae
mayakkum madhu chArmae
manjaL veyil pOlum malar vaNNa mugamae
mannar kula thangamae
pachai malai thOtta maNIyAramae
pAdum pudhu rAgamae


veLLalai kadalAdum ponnOdamae
viLakkin oLi veLLamae
sellum idamthORum pugazh sErkum manamae
thennar kula mannanae
inRu kavi pAdum en selvamae
enRum en deivamae


mAnilam ellAmum nam illamae
makkaL nam sondhamae
kANum nilam engum kavi pAdum manamae
ulagam namadhAgumae
anRu kavi vEndhan sol vaNNamae
yAvum uRavAgumae

Music Director Wise   Film Wise

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