Ela Ela Lyrics

Writer :

Singer :

Ela ela ela ela
nallo kalla chupedella
yedarilo godarilla nallo alla apedelaa
ee maayanii nammedi elaa
ee mataniii chepedi elaa
ne parichayam lona ponda janma maralaaa

Huveleee huveleee hey yaaa...
huveleee huveleee hey yaaa...

Ela ela ela ela
nallo kalla chupedella
yedarilo godarilla nallo alla apedelaa

Ninnaloni nimishamaina gurthurade e shkanamm
netiloni sambarana urakalese jeevanamm
e snehame varamm e bhavame nijamm
edi telupabothe bhasha chaleedelaaa...aa
na bhasha lona teeyandanam
na bata lona pachandanamm
pasi papa laga navve gunamm
nevalle nevalle veligindi na needa nee nedalone cheralanii
nurella pai anucheyalanii e paravasham lona nilicha prana shilalaaa

Ela ela ela ela
nallo kalla chupedella
yedarilo godarilla nallo alla apedelaa
ee maayanii nammedi elaa
ee matanee chepedelaa
ne parichayam lona ponda janma maralaaa

I wanna hold u...
i wanna hold u in my heart
i wanna hold u...
i wanna hold u in my heart.....

Music Director Wise   Film Wise

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