Radhe radhe Lyrics

Writer :

Singer :

Radhe radhe mann bhole
Radhe radhe mann bhole
Mann mhe amruth ras bhole
Mann mhe amruth ras bhole
thuhe mhere aaraadhana
thuhe mhere aaraadhana
Preme mhe hai thu saadhana

Radhe radhe mann bhole
Mann mhe amruth ras bhole
Har saas mheri
Har saas mheri
Pooj thumaari
Pooj thumaari
Har vajan mhe jai jai thumaara
Har vajan mhe jai jai thumaara
Har kadh mheri
Har kadh mheri
Pradikshan theri
Pradikshan theri
Har raag veena sur sar thera aa aa
Radhe radhe mann bhole
Mann mhe amruth ras bhole
Radhe radhe mann bhole

Music Director Wise   Film Wise

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