Inthandhanga Lyrics

Writer :

Singer :

Inthandanga unda lokam
Etu poyindo maya maikam
Asaleverani nenevarani kalisave nannu
Jatha cheraga itu rammani piluchavila yadanu
O Prema.. O Prema..
Needele naa janmaa

Inthandanga unda lokam
Etu poyindo maya maikam

O gunde lothulo enda vedimi
Neevu thaakaga nindu pournami
Nee varala thodu naaku poola maasame
Inni naallu vechi unna indu kosame
O Prema.. O Prema..
Needele naa janmaa

Inthandanga unda lokam
Etu poyindo maya maikam
Asaleverani nenevarani kalisave nannu
Jatha cheraga itu rammani piluchavila yadanu
O Prema.. O Prema..
Needele naa janmaa

Inthandanga unda lokam
Etu poyindo maya maikam

Music Director Wise   Film Wise

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